Auxiliary Performance of the Year (Program)
Description: Awarded to the auxiliary program that exhibited excellence in a single performance.
Criteria: The performance must be at least 3 minutes long. The performance must have occurred within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director, dance instructor or principal.
Medium: Video
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016
Arranger of the Year: (Adult)
Description: Awarded to an individual who is proven to be the best arranger for the school year.
Criteria: Nominations are open for any individual who has arranged at least 5 pieces, consisting of at least 32 measures each for band on a consistent basis on any level, and each arrangement will have been performed by the band. Arrangements must also be consistent with "research based" common music theory practices.
Eligible Submitter: Open
Medium: Documentation with proof of completed activities.
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016
Arrangement of the Year (Program)
Description: This award is reserved for the arrangement that is considered to be the best arrangement for large ensemble band of the year.
Criteria: Nominations are open for any arrangement consisting of at least 32 measures. The piece must have been performed by a band, orchestra, or symphony orchestra (or any large instrumental performance ensemble). Consideration will be given to the length, style, originality and number of voices written.
Eligible Submitter: The arranger
Medium: Video or audio of the band playing the band, AND score
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016
Overall Band Program of the Year (Program)
Description: Awarded to the band program that has exhibited excellence throughout the entire year both within the school and the community.
Criteria: Consideration will be given to community service efforts, fund raiser success, uniformity, number and nature of performances, positive message campaigns within the school.
Eligible Submitter: Band Director
Medium: Documentation with proof of completed activities.
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Jazz Band Performance of the Year (Program)
Description: Awarded to the jazz band program that exhibited excellence in a single performance.
Criteria: The performance must be at least 3 minutes long. The performance must have occurred within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Video
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Marching Band Performance of the Year: (Program)
Description: Awarded to the marching band program that exhibited excellence in a single marching band performance.
Criteria: The performance must be at least 3 minutes long. The performance must be a field show that was performed during the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Video
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016 March 26, 2017
Overall Band Program of the Year (Program)
Description: Awarded to the band program that has exhibited excellence throughout the entire year both within the school and the community.
Criteria: Consideration will be given to community service efforts, fund raiser success, uniformity, number and nature of performances, positive message campaigns within the school.
Eligible Submitter: Band Director
Medium: Documentation with proof of completed activities.
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Drill Concept (Adult)
Description: Awarded to an individual responsible for the composition and documentation of the best marching band show drill.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director.
Medium: Video
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016

Marching Band Program of the Year (Program)
Description: This award is reserved for the marching band program that has consistently exhibited a high level of excellence throughout the entire season. Consideration will be given to community service efforts, fund raiser success, uniformity, and organizational effectiveness.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: Principal
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016
Lifetime Achievement (Adult)
Description: Awarded to an individual who, throughout his or her lifetime, has made creative contributions of outstanding artistic significance to the band community.
Criteria: Examples.
Eligible Submitter: Open
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
John Phillip Sousa Band Leadership Award (Student)
Description: This is reserved for the student who exhibits excellent in leadership.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Student Musician of the Year (Student)
Description: Awarded to a student who displayed excellence in the interpretation and performance of music, as well as precision with an instrument.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Community Service (Student)
Description: Awarded to a student who displayed excellence in social and civic responsibility by participating in events that enriched the lives of others.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Director of the Year (Adult)
Description: Awarded to an individual who displayed excellence in the overall management of the band program, as well as in the enrichment of students through curriculum.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School principal.
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017
Auxiliary Coordinator of the Year (Adult)
Description: Awarded to an individual who displayed excellence in the overall management of the program, as well as in the enrichment of students through instruction.
Criteria: Examples occurring within the current school year.
Eligible Submitter: School band director or principal.
Medium: Documented commendation
Submission Deadline: November 27, 2016